Bonding between parents and their new baby is as important in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) as it is at home. A webcam can help your family develop that bond with your hospitalized infant using real-time video. Enjoy the ability to be with your infant wherever you are!

Reading Hospital's NICU is the only unit in the region that offers parents the ability to monitor their infants throughout the day and night with the webcam system.

How do our NICU Webcams work?

This easy-to-use system helps new parents and families bond with their babies — even when they can’t be by their sides. The system uses a video camera placed near the baby’s crib.

Parents are given an encrypted password that enables them to access a secure video stream of their child. They can see their baby, take snapshots, and even read messages that may be posted for them by the NICU staff.

Benefits of NICU Webcams

Sometimes you just need to know everything is OK. Whether it's 2 a.m. or 12 p.m., access is as close as your phone or computer. You decide viewing times, up to 24 hours.

Access may be interrupted for technical downtime or when your infant is receiving care. The webcam is continuous live streaming of video. You can take snapshots for individual pictures; however, videotaping is not permitted.


Discuss enrollment and availability of viewing times with your healthcare team. At the time of enrollment, you will be required to sign an authorization form. After, you will receive instructions on how to access the secure site.

Special Thanks
Our NICU webcams are funded by The Friends of Reading Hospital